Defination of Industrial Engineer (IE) :
Industrial Engineering is concerned improvement, and installation of integrated materials, and equipment. It draws upon and skill in the mathematical, physical, together analysis with the principles and methods with the design, systems of men, specialized knowledge and social sciences, of engineering and design, to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems.BENEFITS FOR THE COMPANY :
Industrial Engineering, Provides Support Service For The Workers, Supervisors, Staff, And Management. Its Assistance Helps The Company To Be Competitive In The Market Place. Through Operational Analysis, Industrial Engineering Assistance Will Lead To Lower Costs For Producing A Quality Product.
Once The Method For Producing A Product Is Specified, standard hours should be applied for performing that particular method. The company, by doing so, will-be able to price its product to meet or beat the competition in the market place. The company must deliver an attractive product. It must do so in time to satisfy customer demand, and be confident the customer is in agreement with the price tag.
In trying to achieve better value for the customer, it is important to have confidence that it will be achieved.
The positive attitude that costs are too high and there is something that we can do about it must prevail. Effective action is necessary. Almost everything being produced today is replaceable by something that would perform the same function better at a lower cost.
Industrial Engineering techniques are only tools for achieving better value. No matter what the product,
defining and evaluating the tasks to be accomplished are two of Industrial Engineering’s most effective tools. This assistance helps in planning and producing a better product. The company will be in position to stay in business,to satisfy customer and stockholder needs and expand in the marketplace.
Once the company is more productive than the competition, demand for its products will increase. With demand, comes job security for the workers, and the feeling they are contributing. A product “wanted by the consumer" can be produced because of their effort.
Job security and job satisfaction are two important motivators or reasons why workers will respond to a particular work task. If they know there is a demand for the product they are producing, they feel secure. This demand will allow for a constant income, a higher standard of living, and development of their particular skills.
Industrial Engineering can contribute to this "feeling of being wanted” by providing the line supervisor with consistent and fair schedules. Workers must know what their job consists of in order to earn their rate of pay.
Industrial Engineering can satisfy this need through evaluation of the job and through development of job descrip-tions. It can also service this need by assisting in job instruction, and specification of methods.
Most workers will be productive workers when atten-tion is paid to their needs.
Be it line supervision, staff, middle or top manage-ment, all can benefit through effective Industrial Engineering support and assistance in
1. Identifying where problems are.
Where is the bottleneck? aren't

necessary to reduce the rework hours. can
we decrease our scrap losses? When can
management expect improvement?
2. Recognition of work force requirements. Work flow charts, with manning requirements
supplied by Industrial Engineering, will enable management to schedule properly.
3. Calculation and reduction of costs.
Industrial Engineering can be of assistance to management in providing manufacturing routings of parts. It can help assign time values to operations, and specify tools and equipment. This help can be based upon information gained from historical records, reasonable expectancies, regression analyses, appropriate time studies, etc. It is essential that this information be
realistic and clearly explained.Through
programs for work simplification, and work
participation, it can effectively assist in
reducing costs.
4. Selection of Machines and Equipment
The Industrial Engineering Department must communicate upward and downward in providing reports for justifying the selection of machines and equipment. This will assist management in making cost effective decisions in use of its capital.
5. Specifying What the Best Method Is
Work identification and methods engineering go hand in hand. Industrial Engineering uses these "tools" to assist management. The workers, the company and the commu-nity benefit because of this assistance.
Fundamentals of Industrial Engineering - Hicks - Maynard Handbook
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Fundamentals of Industrial Engineering