Warping :
The parallel winding of warp ends from many winding packages (cone, cheese) on to a common package (warp beam) is called warping.
Importance of Warping:
- Construction of a beam of warp yarn.
- Construction of a parallel yarn sheet.
- Modifying the faults of yarn like thick or thin place.
- Winding the pre- determined length of yarn.
- Combination of small packages.
- Accelerating the next process.
Important requirements of Warping:
- The tension of all wound ends must be uniform and possibly constant during all the time of with drawl from the supply package.
- Warping should not impair the physical and mechanical properties of yarn.
- The tension should be moderate to allow the yarn complete retain its elastic properties.
- Predetermined length should be observed.
- Production rate should be high as possible.
- The surface of warping package must be cylindrical.