Functions of Draw Frame Machine:
- To straighten the curled and hooked fibres.
- To make the fibres parallel to their neighbouring fibres.
- To improve uniformity of fibres by drafting and doubling.
- To reduce weight per unit length of sliver.
- To remove micro dust from slivers by air suction pipe.
- To blend raw material of same hanks perfectly.
Details of Draw Frame Machine:
Different Zones of Draw Frame Machine:
Creeling zone:It is known as feeding zone. 6-8 feed slivers passing through guide roller, guide bars & feed to drafting zone.
Guide Roller :
It guides the passage of feed slivers and act as a stop motion when feed sliver breaks.
Auto leveller:
The main task of auto levelling is to eliminate deviations in mass per unit length.
Drafting zone:
It is the zone for a process of decreasing the weight per unit length of sliver. It is mainly due to differential peripheral speed of the rollers.
Sliver Coiling:
The rotary movements are required for cycloidal coiling of the sliver. On the one hand, the rotatable plate must be rotated above the can, while the can itself must rotate, at a considerably slower rate, below the plate. A sliver tube is provided on the plate as a fixed part to guide the sliver from the calendar rollers into the can.
Doffing of cans:
In Single-step changers full cans are replaced by empty ones at full speed, i.e. without stopping the machine.
In Multiple-step changers machine is brought to a stop during the change.
Signal Lamps:
Signal lamps are provided on the machine to indicate the reason for stoppage of machine
Understand each signal lamp and their purpose in the machine.
Display Panel:
It displays various operating machine parameters like speed, production etc. Understand the details in the display panel and work accordingly