What is Takt Time?How to measure Takt Time?

What is Takt Time?

Takt Time is the German word uses to regulate the speed,beat or timing at which musicians play. So "Takt Time is Beat Time,Rate Time or Heart Time.


What is Takt Time?How to measure Takt Time?

Definition of Takt Time:

Time to produce one product at the rate of customer demand. 


Takt time is the rate of time that a completed product is finished.

Calculation of Takt Time.|How to measure Takt Time?

Takt Time=(Total Available Time/Total Customer Demand)



How to use it?

First Step: 

  • Calculate your demand
  • Calculate your available time

 Second Step: 

  • Calculate your Takt Time
  • Compare current operator Cycle Time against Takt Time
  • Identify steps to re-balance work
  • Consider the inputs
  • Regularly re-calculate your Takt Time

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