40 Useful Formula for Industrial Engineers in Garments Manufacturing

40 Useful Formula for Industrial Engineers in Garments Manufacturing

40 Useful Formula for Industrial Engineers in Garments Manufacturing:

01. Target = 60 / SMV x No. of worker x working hour x expected efficiency.

02. Target = 60/SMV.

03. Team target =(60/SMV)x Present operator x Organization efficiency .

04. Target per day = Working hour x 60 x No. of operator / Target SMV.

05. Capacity=Average of total obserb time x 1.66 + 30% Allowance / 60.

06. Factory capacity=No. of operator x working minutes + Present % x average factory 


07. Capacity per day = Present operator x working hour x organization efficiency x Attendance. 

08. Weekly capacity = No. of operators x Absenteesm x Clock minutes per week x Average 

factory efficiency. 

09. Marker efficiency = Area of patterns in the marker / Total area of the marker x 100. 

10. Load = (Contract size x work content) contract 1+ (Contract size x work content) 

Contract 2 + etc. 

11. Load = Order quantity x Work content (SMV of garments). 

12. Observe time = Total cycle time / No. of cycle. 

13. Basic time = Avarage of observe time X Rating %. 

14. Sam = Basic time x Allowance. 

15. Rating = Observe time x Standard rating / Standard rating. 

16. Cycle time = 60 / Team target. 

17. Pitch time = Total SMV / Present operator. 

18. Efficiency = Earn hour / Available hour x 100 

19. Efficiency = SMV / Total time. 

20. Earn hour = (Production x SMV) / 60. 

21. Available hour = Working hour x Use machine(Total manpower) 

22. Performance = (Earn hour / Available hour - Off standard time) x 100. 

23. Improvement = 1-(Production / Capacity). 

24. Balancing efficiency = 1-Balancing loss. 

25. loss pcs = (60/SMV)x Available hours x avg factory effi (61%) -Q.C Pass 

25. Balancing loss = AML-TML/AMLx100. 

26. Standard time = Net operation time x (1+ Ratio of loss time). 

27. Daily output = Working hours (seconds) + Standard time. 

28. Output per operator = Work hours (second) / Total time of operations. 

29. Required No. of operators = Targeted daily output / Daily output per operator. 

30. Target daily capacity = Daily work hours / Standard process time (SPT). 

31. Daily capacity per worker = Daily capacity / No. of workers = Daily Work hours / Standard total processing. 

32. Organization efficiency = Pitch time / Bottle neck process time (x100) = 100/140 x 100 = 71.4% 

33. Upper limit = Pitch time / Target organization efficiency = 100 / 0.85 = 117.6 seconds. 

34. Lower limit = 2 x Pitch time - Upper limit = 2 x 100 - 117.6 = 82.4 seconds. 

35. Planned daily work flow = Daily work hours / Standard process time (SPT) x organization efficiency. 

36. Accumulated avarage time = Daily work hours/AccumulatedxNo.of daysxstandard No.of workers in

the group/No. of pieces produced. 

37. SMV = Basic time + Allowance time + bundle time. 

38. DHU = No. of deffect observe / No. of garments checked. 

39. Booking fabric K.G. = Order quantity / 12 x Fabric consumption per doz. 

40. Garments K.G. = Total receive fabric kg - (Save return kg + Jhute kg + Wastage fabric kg) 

41. Input to sewing pcs. = Total in pcs - (Print Embroidery short & wastage + Cutting wastage pcs.) 

39. Fabric consumption (CM) = Length x chest x 2 x GSM / 1000 / 10000 x 12 + Wastage%. 

40. Fabric consumption (Inch) = Length x chest x 2 x GSM / 1000 / 1550 x 12 + Wastage%.

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