Long Chain Beamer :
After the rope dyeing of warp yarn in denim production, the next operation is the Long Chain Beamer (LCB). When the rope has been dyed and dried in the rope dyeing range, it is taken in large cans in coiler section. In rope dyeing range, if the machine has a capacity 24 ropes, then there will be 24 separate coilers which delivers 24 ropes in separate cans. These cans are transferred to the Long Chain Beaming area. The basic purpose of long chain beamer is to open the rope into a sheet form of yarn and wind onto a warper beam which in turn transferred to the sizing machine.In Long Chain Beamer, the yarn alignment in the dyed rope is change from a rope form to a sheet form. In the Long Chain Beamer the rope pull from the can by moving them upward to a guiding device. The guiding device is mounted above the can, probably in the ceiling. The upward movement of the rope allows the ropes to untangle before nearing the beamer head and allow the rope to shake loose form from the rest of the rope in the can.Process Flow chart For Long Chain Beamer :
Tension Stand
Tension Control Dancer
Counting Roller