What is learning curve?

Learning curve:

Learning curve is a visual representation of how long it takes to acquire the new skill.

Learning Curve হল নতুন দক্ষতা অর্জন করতে কতক্ষণ লাগে তার একটি ভিজ্যুয়াল উপস্থাপনা।

How to make learning curve?

Instruction :

  1. First make a SMV range from Historical data.
  2. Find out how many style you have done for each SMV range? Suppose 5-6 SMV range,if you usually perform 3 types, then you should make learning curve considering all three(3).
  3. Consider Average Efficiency/Production. Don't choose any single line's production record.
  4. You may consider only those style which were continue into line more then 20 days. Shouldn't consider short learning periods.
  5. Finally check and measure the reality & update your learning curve after each three months.

What is learning curve?

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